Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

So today is December 31st. This is usually the day that people come up with a list of New Year's resolutions. I'm usually not one for New Year's resolutions since I know I'll usually break mine by February 1st. But I feel like this year is different. There are a lot of changes I need to make in my life and I need to start somewhere. I truly believe I need wipe the slate clean and start 2013 fresh. With that being said, here's my New Year's resolution list for 2013. I'm putting it through the intewebs in hopes of keeping me accountable. I'm hoping to update my few readers throughout the year with how I'm goes nothing!

Angela's New Year's Resolutions for 2013:

1) BE MORE PATIENT - This one's definitely going to be a challenge. As you may know, I've got a 3 1/2 year old son who tests my patience on a daily basis. Over and over again. Seriously. Like a broken record. I feel steam coming out of my ears thinking about it and typing this...

2) RUN MY 1ST HALF MARATHON - I'm really excited about this one. I really believe I'm going to check this one off my list and possibly a second half marathon as well. I ran my first 10K race yesterday. At first, I was panicked because I didn't feel like I was prepared. I ran my first 10K "practice run" only 2 days prior. Before that, I had about two weeks of really short runs (1-2 miles a piece). But I felt REALLY good running yesterday. Even in 25 mile per hour winds! My next big race is a 10 miler in early March and then I'm planning my half marathon for the end of April.

3) GET ORGANIZED - Yes, I realize this particular resolution is pretty freaking vague. I haven't really pinpointed the hows or whats, but I know something's gotta happen. My apartment is a freaking pigsty and I feel like I'm picking up the same shit over and over again. And I keep getting myself into crazy piles of laundry and desperately trying to climb out over and over again. Like a broken record...

4) EMBRACE STRENGTH TRAINING - So far in my weight loss journey, I haven't done any strength training. If I want to take my weight loss to the next level, I know I've got to bite the bullet and do it. There is a BodyPump class at my school's fitness center on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I'm gonna give it a go.

5) GET IN THE DAMN KITCHEN - I'll admit it. I'm not a big fan of cooking. The hubby usually cooks our meals. I'm more of a baker. But I need to take charge. Plus, the hubs is going on a business trip in a couple of weeks. I can't rely on Wendy's to feed the little guy and I. Also, Cameron is one heck of a picky eater. His 4 food groups consist of chicken, pizza, peanut butter & jelly, and grilled cheese. I'm hoping to pull him into the kitchen with me in hopes of him eating new foods. But I'm sure this will test resolution #1...

6) GET A FULL-TIME JOB - I know I can't control the job market. Nor can I control the decision making process of hiring committees. I've been pretty discouraged since moving down to Maryland. I've been on a ton of interviews for both full-time jobs and graduate assistantships and could only swing a part-time job. Many of the full-time jobs I interviewed for went to internal candidates. While I'm thankful for my current job and I'm learning a lot, I know a full-time job would mean so much for our family. We're living paycheck to paycheck right now and I know I'm going to have a mess of student loans once I finish school. A full-time job means more stability. It means being able to save to buy a house. It means exploring the possibility of having baby #2. So I'm putting all my eggs into the landing a full-time job basket.

7) GET THIS BLOG FULLY OFF THE GROUND!! - I see the potential in this blog. I know I can take it somewhere. Where that somewhere is, I don't know. But I'd love to finally post photos, get more readers, maybe some sponsors, and actually have a product I'm proud of.

I guess that's it for now. I promise to keep my few loyal readers updated with my progress. What are your New Year's resolutions?

- Angela : )

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